As society becomes increasingly concerned about the environment, businesses are realizing the importance of sustainability. Atlas Concorde, an Italian company that produces porcelain tiles, is one such company that has made a strong commitment to sustainability. This has resulted in the company’s certification in ISO 17889-1, an international standard that evaluates the sustainability of ceramic tiles and installation materials.
Atlas Concorde’s commitment to the environment is evident in the fact that all of its collections meet the requirements prescribed by the ISO 17889-1 standard. The company has adopted a strategy aimed at reducing harmful emissions and the consumption of energy and natural resources. The constant investment in technological innovations and the adoption of best practices has led to a decrease in the environmental and social impact of products and industrial processes, resulting in the improvement of people’s well-being both inside and outside the company.
The ISO 17889-1 standard evaluates a range of factors to determine the sustainability of a ceramic tile product. It rewards the use of recycled and recyclable raw materials, as well as the use of resources extracted in close proximity to the production site. Additionally, an updated list of all elements contained in the final product and a written statement that reports the social responsibility policy adopted by the suppliers is required. Production practices that encourage efficiency, energy recovery, reduction of water consumption, and the adoption of renewable energy sources are also incentivized. Finally, safety and health in the workplace are considered essential for certification.
To attain certification, companies that want to attest to the sustainability of their products must complete a self-certification, following the same procedures prescribed by other ISO certifications. External certification bodies then verify the specific score reached by the various levels of performance, confirming the achievement of the ISO 17889-1 standard.
As one of the first ceramic tile companies to achieve ISO 17889-1 certification, Atlas Concorde has once again confirmed its continuous commitment to balancing industrial efficiency, environmental protection, and attention to people along the entire supply chain. Social responsibility has always been an integral part of the company’s entrepreneurial model since its founding in 1969.
When it comes to selecting ceramic tiles for your home or business, consider Atlas Concorde as a sustainable choice that not only meets the ISO 17889-1 standard but also helps to protect our planet and promote a healthier society.